How can I give?
Giving thanks at St Anne’s & St Peter’s
There is much to thank God for in our churches of St Anne’s and St Peter’s here in Marsh and Micklefield. We have; a wonderful ministry team who look after our spiritual needs and lead our varied worship services. Home Groups, Renew @ the Library, Alpha have all been set up through our churches and were well attended! Last spring, we held a successful plant sale and also raised a substantial amount at our Christmas bazaar. We are fortunate that we have kept both our churches in good order but now face some major repairs to the roof of St. Anne's! We have also been good stewards of our finances and paid our bills on time over the years. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the generous financial support along with the valuable time given to St Anne’s & St Peter’s over the years.
How can I fundraise for St Anne's and St Peter's for free?
Whenever you buy anything online, you could be raising a free donation for St Anne's and St Peter? There are over 4,000 retailers including John Lewis, Argos, Uswitch, eBay, M&S and Amazon ready to give a free donation every time you shop online via easyfundraising. By signing up with the easyfundraising website and 'clicking through' to your normal websites, the church will be given a small percentage of the purchase price by the retailer, at no cost to you. Plus, if you sign up and raise £5 in donations, easyfundraising will give us a bonus £5 donation.
It's very quick to sign up, all you have to do is:
1. Go to:
2. Click 'support this cause' and create an account.
3. Choose from over 4,000 retailers to do your online shopping as normal and our cause will receive a free donation with every purchase you make. These donations could really add up (especially with Christmas on the way), so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us.
It’s completely FREE and very easy!
How can I give on a regular basis?
We would like to encourage you to consider a new way of giving...
- Parish giving scheme.
- or consider changing your method of giving to standing order directly from your bank account to the St Anne's and St Peter's account? You will find the standing order form to send to your bank here. Please send to the bank, and send a copy to our treasurer details below.
- If you are unable to or are uncomfortable with this, you can always give by cheque.
If you are able to gift aid, as a tax payer, would you fill in the form here?
If you would like a standing order form, parish giving details, our bank details or are able to send a cheque please contact our Treasurer, Mrs H Turner, 215 Micklefield Road, High Wycombe, HP13 7HB Email: Telephone: 0773 974 6353.
We cannot emphasise enough how important your giving is to the work of our churches and we thank you for giving this matter your prayerful consideration.
As always all donations made to our churches are kept confidential.
‘Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the splendour, and the majesty; for everything in heaven and on earth is yours. All things come from you, and of your own do we give you.' 1 Chronicles 29: 11,14